Epoxy Flooring and Epoxy Countertops
Concrete Polishing and Substrate Preparation/Flattening
Greetings, you are now entering the world of epoxy surfaces. Headquartered in the Atlanta Georgia area, Epoxy Flooring Studio ATL is a very unique flooring showroom. Visit us here on the web or in person at one of our exclusive showrooms and let us take you on a visual journey beyond your wildest dreams to help you visualize that perfect floor or countertop. Here at Epoxy Flooring Studio ATL dreams really do come true.
All of our surfaces are unique as there are no two exactly alike. There is no cookie cutter or carbon copies, meaning every epoxy surface that we create for you is custom. Colors from one to another may look the same but each intricate detail of your epoxy surface is exclusively yours.
For your floors we offer flake, quartz, abrasive, glitter, logos, metallics, solid, glow-in-the dark, safety stripping or clear polished concrete. For counter tops, we offer metallics, solids, and customs. See some of our color selections in the gallery.